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Novathreads: Discover the Secret to Rejuvenated Skin

Say goodbye to saggy skin and wrinkles with Novathreads, a revolutionary non-surgical treatment

Introducing Novathreads: Your Path to Firmer, Youthful Skin

Are you tired of saggy skin and deep wrinkles that make you feel self-conscious? Novathreads is a breakthrough non-surgical treatment that can help you achieve a more youthful appearance

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The Science Behind Your Transformation

Using medical-grade sutures, Novathreads stimulate collagen production and tightens your skin, giving you a natural and rejuvenated look. Discover the secret to a natural and long-lasting facelift without the downtime or risks of surgery

How does Novathreads work?

Our skilled practitioners personalize the Novathreads treatment to address your specific concerns, whether it's saggy skin around the jawline, wrinkles on the forehead, or drooping cheeks


Personalized Free Consultation 

Meet with our experienced medical professionals to discuss your goals and procedure options


Novathreads procedure

NovaThreads consist of pre-loaded PDO threads enclosed within needles. By inserting the entire needle into the subdermal tissue, parallel to the skin's surface, and subsequently removing the needle, the PDO thread remains implanted beneath the skin to lift and tighten sagging areas


Enjoy results

These threads stimulate your body's collagen production and the results of NovaThreads can last anywhere from 6 months to 1 year

Why Choose Novathreads

  • Minimally Invasive with No Downtime: Unlike traditional facelift surgery, Novathreads are minimally invasive and require no extensive recovery period. You can return to your daily activities immediately after the procedure, enjoying the benefits of a youthful appearance without the downtime

  • Long-Lasting Results: Novathreads stimulate collagen production for long-lasting results. Enjoy the benefits of smoother, tighter skin that can last for several months to over a year, depending on individual factors

  •  Immediate Lifting Effect: Novathreads provide an instant lifting effect, making your skin visibly smoother and tighter right after the treatment

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Amazing results


Schedule Your Novathreads Consultation

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